DIY Wedding Cake Topper

DIY Wedding Cake Topper


rolled rose cake topper

It's almost wedding season and that means it's time to prep those wedding DIY projects. For those of us who sell our crafts, it means it's time to start creating ahead of the season. This DIY wedding cake topper idea is something anyone can achieve! Making it in the exact colors you want is one of the best benefits of this DIY wedding craft. 


rolled rose wedding cake topper supplies


This will depend on the size of your cake. For reference... my cake is 5” wide and my heart is roughly 11” wide and 9” tall. The reason for it being so large is because I wanted the heart to be visible, but the side of the heart has to be inserted into the cake. I would expect the topper to be placed on a tiered cake, too, so in reality it wouldn’t look quite as disproportionate. But again, the size of the heart is totally your preference. Just make sure you can angle it in such a way as to insert a cake stick on the side of the cake.

How to assemble:

Find a picture of a heart outline or use this one:

heart topper template

1. Print the heart and trace it onto your cardstock.

making a rolled rose cake banner

Cut out a few pieces and layer them together with the foam adhesive. You could also add cardboard or thick posterboard here to add stability to the heart.

rolled roses template

2. Google search for a “Rolled Flower Template.” Any pattern will work but if you’re cutting it out by hand I would recommend a simple pattern. Print the rolled flower pattern in a couple different sizes ranging from 2”-4”. Cut out a ton of flowers in different colors and sizes. I used approximately 40 flowers total.

rolled roses close up

3. Start rolling the flowers. Using your tweezers or quilling tool, roll the flower around itself starting from the outside. Apply a generous amount of hot glue to the center circle. Release your rolled flower so that it opens a bit and gently press it down into the glue.

diy wedding cake topper

4. Arrange the flowers on the heart. Add leaves to fill in spaces.

Design Team Member Naomi


  • Mary

    Thank you for such great (detailed) instructions! Especially including a clip of the heart shape. I am starting this for a wedding shower for 2 workmates and I can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  • Elizabeth Kuntz

    What a gorgeous project! Thanks for sharing!

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